velvet elvis
"but the thing we are searching for is not somewhere else. it is right here. and we can only find it when we give up the search, when we surrender, when we trust. trust that God is already putting us back together.
trust that through dying to the old, the new can give birth
trust that Jesus can repair the scarred and broken image.
it is trusting that i am loved. that i always have been. that i always will be. i don't have to do anything. i don't have to prove anything or achieve anything or accomplish one more thing. that exactly as i am, i am totally accepted, forgiven, and there is nothing i could ever do to lose this acceptance.
this is our invitation. to trust that we don't owe anything. to trust that something is already true about us, something has already been done, something has been there all along.
to trust that grace pays the bill. "
trust that through dying to the old, the new can give birth
trust that Jesus can repair the scarred and broken image.
it is trusting that i am loved. that i always have been. that i always will be. i don't have to do anything. i don't have to prove anything or achieve anything or accomplish one more thing. that exactly as i am, i am totally accepted, forgiven, and there is nothing i could ever do to lose this acceptance.
this is our invitation. to trust that we don't owe anything. to trust that something is already true about us, something has already been done, something has been there all along.
to trust that grace pays the bill. "