Monday, October 16, 2006

Boston- Augustana

"she said 'i think i'll go to Boston. i think i'll start a new life. i think i'll start it over where no one knows my name. i'll get out of california; i'm tired of the weather. i think i'll get a lover and fly 'em out to Spain. i think i'll go to Boston. i think that i'm just tired. i think i need a new town to leave this all behind. i think i need a sunrise; i'm tired of the sunset. i hear it's nice in summer, some snow would be nice.' "

Thursday, August 17, 2006

painting for sister

working on a painting for my little sister to hang in her rom.
actually, i have a whole wall to play with, i'm just taking it a bit at a time.
i have great plans of documenting the whole process. so far, i have a base layer down so that all of the canvas is covered. it's a dark mixture of violet, ultramarine blue, and yellow.
anyway, like i said, the idea is to put pics up as the process gets along, but since i feel like doing it now, i probably won't feel like it later when i have opportunity.

under bridges.
with hands raised.
from the ghettos they praise His name.
in the dark of night.
raise your voices to Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

velvet elvis

"but the thing we are searching for is not somewhere else. it is right here. and we can only find it when we give up the search, when we surrender, when we trust. trust that God is already putting us back together.
trust that through dying to the old, the new can give birth
trust that Jesus can repair the scarred and broken image.
it is trusting that i am loved. that i always have been. that i always will be. i don't have to do anything. i don't have to prove anything or achieve anything or accomplish one more thing. that exactly as i am, i am totally accepted, forgiven, and there is nothing i could ever do to lose this acceptance.

this is our invitation. to trust that we don't owe anything. to trust that something is already true about us, something has already been done, something has been there all along.

to trust that grace pays the bill. "

Thursday, May 11, 2006


you know you've got everybody fooled
look here she comes down
bow down and stare in wonder
oh how we love you
no flaws when you're pretending
but now i know she never was
and never will be
you don't know how you've betrayed me
and somehow you've got everybody fooled

without the mask
where will you hide?
can't find yourself
lost in your mind

i know the truth now
i know who you are
and i don't love you anymore.

it never was and never will be
you don't know how you've betrayed me
and somehow you've got everybody fooled

you're not real and you can't save me.
somehow now you're everybody's fool.

so i'm totally over it all now. but i heard these songs, and they hit something in my heart.

when you cried, i'd wipe away all of your tears
when you screamed, i'd fight away all of your fears
and i held your hand through all of these years
but you still held on to me

your face, it ruins my once pleasant dreams
your voice, it chased away all my sanity

there's just too much that time cannot erase.